HomeTechnologyAutomated Regression Testing: What It Is and How to Do It

Automated Regression Testing: What It Is and How to Do It

The resurgence of previously resolved issues can be a formidable challenge in software development.This is where regression testing, often facilitated by tools like Opkey, emerges as a critical component of quality assurance. Essentially, regression testing involves verifying that software has previously undergone meticulous testing and validation and maintains its intended functionality after undergoing modifications or interfacing with other software components. Essentially, it ensures that alterations do not trigger a regression in the software’s performance and that historical defects remain dormant. 

While tight deadlines might tempt you to rely solely on unit or basic smoke tests, regression testing is fundamentally different. Unit and smoke tests focus on specific aspects, often missing hidden issues. Regression testing, however, meticulously reevaluates the entire software, ensuring no regressions have occurred. It’s as crucial as unit testing and assessing new features, a vital pillar in software quality assurance. Regression testing is your reliable shield against unexpected surprises in the world of ever-evolving code. Opkey, with its AI-driven capabilities, can further enhance the efficiency and accuracy of your regression testing efforts. Let’s explore in detail! 

What is Regression Testing? 

Regression testing is a crucial aspect of software testing. It ensures that recent code changes or enhancements do not break existing functionalities or introduce new defects. This helps maintain software reliability and validates previously tested features after code modifications.

Regression testing is typically done either manually or automatically. Manual testing is flexible but time-consuming and error-prone. In contrast, automated regression testing uses tools and scripts to execute predefined test cases, mimicking user interactions. It offers speed, consistency, and early detection of regressions in the development cycle.

Why Is Automated Regression Testing Essential?

Accelerated Development Cycles: In agile and continuous development environments, frequent code changes and updates are the norm. Automated regression testing allows development teams to release new features and updates more frequently without sacrificing software quality. This results in faster time-to-market and a competitive edge.

Reduced Manual Effort: Automating repetitive testing tasks with platforms like Opkey reduces the need for extensive manual testing efforts. Testers can focus on exploratory testing, edge cases, and critical scenarios, improving overall testing efficiency.

Early Bug Detection: Automated regression tests are executed consistently after each code change. This early detection of regressions means that issues can be addressed when they are less costly and time-consuming to fix, preventing them from reaching production.

Consistency and Repeatability: Automated tests with Opkey ensure that test cases are executed precisely the same way every time. This eliminates human errors and provides consistent results, making identifying and addressing issues easier.

Comprehensive Test Coverage: Automated regression testing allows for a more extensive and comprehensive testing coverage, as it can execute many test cases relatively quickly. This ensures that various aspects of the software are thoroughly tested.

How to Implement Automated Regression Testing

Implementing automated regression testing involves several key steps:

1. Define Test Cases:

Begin by defining the test cases that need to be automated. These test cases should cover critical functionalities, frequently used features, and potential impact areas due to code changes. Document the expected outcomes and behaviors for each test case.

2. Select the Right Tools:

Choose an appropriate test automation tool or framework based on your application’s technology stack, requirements, and budget. Popular choices include Opkey that streamlines the whole process. 

3. Develop Test Scripts:

Write test scripts or test cases using the selected automation tool. These scripts should mimic user interactions with the application, including clicking buttons, entering data, and navigating through different screens or pages. Ensure that the scripts are modular and maintainable.

4. Create Test Data:

Prepare the necessary test data or datasets required for your automated test cases. This may involve creating sample user accounts, generating test inputs, or setting up specific configurations.

5. Establish a Test Environment:

Set up a dedicated test environment that mirrors the production environment as closely as possible. This environment should be isolated from the production system to prevent unintentional data corruption or disruption.

6. Execute Test Cases:

Run the automated regression tests regularly, preferably after each code change or build. Monitor test results for any failures or regressions. When failures occur, investigate and triage them to determine whether they are legitimate issues or false positives.

7. Reporting and Documentation:

Automated regression testing tools often provide detailed test reports. Review these reports to track the status of your test cases, identify failed tests, and assess overall test coverage. Document any defects or issues discovered during testing.

8. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) Integration:

Integrate your automated regression tests into your CI/CD pipeline. This ensures that tests are executed automatically whenever new code is committed, providing quick feedback to developers and preventing flawed code from progressing further down the pipeline.

9. Maintenance and Updates:

Regularly update and maintain your test scripts to accommodate application functionality changes. As the application evolves, test cases may need to be modified or expanded to reflect these changes.

10. Scalability:

Consider the scalability of your automated regression testing framework. As your application grows and evolves, you may need to add more test cases and expand your test suite to cover new features and functionalities.

Opkey, a comprehensive testing solution, can significantly enhance each of these steps, making your automated regression testing process more efficient and effective.

Best Practices for Automated Regression Testing

Regular Test Case Updates: It’s crucial to keep regression test cases up to date to align with the latest application version. This ensures that your test plan remains relevant and effective.

Reassessment of Successful Test Cases: Following frequent software updates, it’s imperative to rerun all previously successful test cases. Software changes can impact functionality, and retesting helps identify any new issues that may have arisen.

Test Categorization: Categorizing tests is a valuable organizational strategy. It simplifies task management and aids in pinpointing the source of failures, even when a test doesn’t yield the desired results. Categories provide clarity and efficiency in the testing process.

Incorporating Opkey into your automated regression testing practices not only aligns with best practices but also elevates your testing process to a new level of efficiency and reliability. 


Regression testing stands as a pivotal practice in the pursuit of delivering high-quality software products. When executed effectively, it offers numerous advantages to businesses, ensuring that code modifications and updates do not compromise existing functionalities. However, the choice of appropriate tools is paramount to optimize the regression testing process. Consider Opkey, a leading automated regression testing tool trusted by top companies, including renowned Australian fashion & apparel retailers, to streamline this process. For more details and a free demo, visit their website. Elevate your regression testing with Opkey.

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